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但“Put my foot in my mouth”可不是“要把脚放进嘴里”!1put one's foot in one's mouth
put one's foot in one's mouth是一个地道英语俚语“先来看看英文词典的解释:
to say something by accident that embarrasses or upsets someone
例: Do you remember what you said last weekend? You really put your foot in your mouth.你还记得上周末你说的话吗?你真的说错话了。例:The restaurant established its reputation by word of mouth. 餐馆因为良好的口碑而享有盛誉。
be down in the mouth = to be sad例:He was down in the mouth after being defeated in the game.输了比赛后,他垂头丧气。“三个人”到底是three people还是three persons?